Who I Am

Hi, I’m Kailyn Sullivan. The name Gold Sparrow comes from my love to nest, collecting elements that make our house a home. I have a wonderful husband Ryan & we have two little sparrows, Ruby & Milo. They are our world & creating a nest that serves them & our family means so much to me.

I started Gold Sparrow Interiors from my passion to create beautiful spaces in my own home. I have always believed you should love coming home & I want to give that feeling to others. For me, a home comes together bit by bit. It’s intentional and heartfelt. I love making functional spaces beautiful. Collecting treasures for a home and displaying what matters most to the ones it serves.

I believe that a home should be a welcoming, nurturing place to recharge and reconnect. My aesthetic celebrates calm, neutral colors with touches of nature and coastal inspiration.
